The End Of The World

HD Film. 80 litres of earth, scarecrow, jackdaw costume, guitar, greenscreen. Duration 3:40 mins. Part of the ‘Harmony’ series of works, 2009.

A jackdaw sings a classic love song to a scarecrow. A call for the reconciliation of conflicting opposites, a search for harmony, peace and balance. The alchemical sulphur and mercury negotiating their unification with the potential of forming gold. The scarecrow represents the Christ on the cross protecting the crop seeds from the thieving jackdaw: in this case the outcast lunar feminine tainted and depraved by the archetypes inherent in Christian mythology.

23 Sept till 02 Oct 2009 29th Nederlands Film Festival Utrecht, Netherlands.
01 till 05 July 2009 Gerrit Rietveld Academie Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
26 June 2009 Filmmuseum Cinema Amsterdam, Netherlands.